Get to know our travel consultants! When our clients are on the road or in the air, they are always under the care of a AAA consultant. Our consultants are available 24/7/365 so there is never a time when a client is left high and dry. Our corporate travel consultants are referred to as the “roadside assistance” of business travel, and it’s that reliability that drives AAA’s reputation for superior service.

Meet Carrie Burrow, Corporate Travel Consultant for AAA Corporate Travel. A 24 year veteran, Carrie is one of nearly 50 consultants we have on staff that serve our corporate travel clients every day.

Q: How long have you been in corporate travel?

A: I have been in corporate travel since 1996. I have been with AAA since June 2016.

Q: What is your favorite part about your job?

A: My favorite part of my job is knowing that I am able to help our clients handle their business. It sounds cliché but it is true, I feel like the importance of my job will help - that one needed meeting to take place allowing the most important business deal go through, or help –that business traveler to make it back home to see their child’s recital.

Q: What do you like most about working for AAA?

A: I love the independence of working from home. As well as the idea that I am not just an agent, but part of team, a team that cares for my personal growth and achievements.

Q: Do you have a most memorable client experience you could share?

A: Oh my, I have a few that I mark as memorable, I will narrow it down. The memories prove that we are doing major things, in lite of the current times we make things happen for our clients, in all situations and circumstances. I once had an international traveler call because their carry-on luggage, which was gate checked, had been lost. All the traveler’s prescriptions were in this piece of luggage. I was able to calm down the client and explain, I would find the closest pharmacy to their (international) hotel and help get the prescriptions transferred for their duration. I had no clue how I was going to do this, but the most awesome and rewarding part was, I DID!!!

Q: Where is the best place you have visited for vacation? What did you like about it?

A: Given the current pandemic, I find I love spending time at home. Although my favorite place I’ve traveled has been the Dominican Republic. Truly the best vacation at an all-inclusive resort. No worries, no cooking, no cleaning, and plenty of drinks!

Q: If you could give business travelers one piece of advice, what would it be?

A: My piece of advice to provide to business travelers, is to always call your agent, regardless of the type of trip, whether it’s a question about your current trip, upcoming trip, or past trip, call us. By calling us we will ensure that we resolve whatever the concerns may be to the best of our ability and our client’s best interests.